Stoptober: a Collective Effort

The month of October is upon us and you know what that means – Stoptober, Public Health England’s annual campaign alongside the NHS. They implore cigarette and tobacco smokers across the country stop smoking, beginning with the 28 day challenge. PHE report doing so means you’re five times more likely to quit for good, especially when turning to vaping as a safer alternative. Designed as an initiative to help people quit cigarettes permanently, it needs not just individual mental strength. In addition, it requires the collective power of thousands coming together to help each other out. The task can be achieved individually without any assistance – through pure will power, persistence and determination. Nonetheless, it always helps to get moral support too.

Two Million Stoptober Quits and Counting

In its 9th year, Stoptober shows no signs of slowing down, yielding or losing popularity. More than two million have signed up already, following the government’s announcement for UK society to go smoke-free by 2030. However, withdrawing from cigarettes will come with its fair share of niggling cravings, anxious feelings, and irrationality. In some cases, people have been smoking more than a pack a day for years. This means it can take multiple attempts to shake off that habit for good, regardless of whether you complete the challenge.

You’ll need all your resolve to not reach for a pack of cigarettes, even after Stoptober. That’s where e-cigarettes enter the equation, to use not just during the campaign but once you’ve completed Stoptober. Whether you go for an easy to use vape pen, or try your luck with something more advanced, it’s proven as an excellent cessation tool.

The nature of a national campaign such as Stoptober ultimately means that you will not be going it alone in your quest to become tobacco-free. With more than six million still smoking in the UK, chances are you know someone looking to quit. The Stoptober website has a host of tips, tricks to support you as well as a great list of products to aid you on your journey to becoming smoke-free. Listen to real-life accounts from people who have been in exactly the same position as you and track your progress throughout the month with the Stoptober app.

Get Support From Friends and Colleagues

Don’t go it alone. Instead, why not take the time to ask your fellow smoking friends if they fancy taking the challenge with you? It doesn’t matter at what point during October that you start the challenge. Heck, you can even start it in November or December 2021 – better late than never. Watch your health improve dramatically within a few days.

It’s essentially all about making the most of the resources available.  If you smoke at work, fellow smokers you meet at regular intervals during the day could also be up for the challenge. People power is a remarkable force to behold and with a little help from your friends, you may just find that by the end of 28 days you’ve achieved your objective of becoming smoke-free. Converse, communicate and cry on each other’s shoulders if needed.

Looking to speak to someone about how you can use e-cigarette devices to help curb your cravings for tobacco this Stoptober? The customer care team at V2 Cigs UK are on hand, online and just a phone call away should you need any expert advice or help regarding any information surrounding e-cigarettes.

Public Health England Insist that Vaping is Safer

As part of the Public Health England (PHE) Health Harms Campaign, a revealing video highlighting the effects of smoking tobacco compared to vapour from e-cigarettes.

If you vape, you will undoubtedly be aware of the advantages that e-cigarettes hold over their traditional tobacco-based counterparts – more money, an improved sense of health, less time spent out in the cold just to get your nicotine hit…the list goes on. Despite the tangible benefits on offer, of some six million smokers in the UK, almost half (44%) wrongly believe that vaping is as harmful as smoking or that they are unaware of the significantly lower risk that vaping has on their health (22%).

Public Health England Research Into Tobacco Risks

The statistics surrounding tobacco are shocking to say the least. Roughly eight million die each year from tobacco use, with 1.2 million from passive smoking alone. Sadly 65,000 of those are children who have no control over the issue whatsoever. From smoking tobacco products like cigarettes, you put yourself at risk of developing one of 20 different types of cancer. This includes those affecting the throat, respiratory system, bowel and kidneys. Roughly 1.3 billion use tobacco products worldwide, with the majority of those (80%) in low income and middle income households. You also have to think of the cost to fund the habit of smoking tobacco. At an average price of £9.91 per pack of cigarettes in the UK and on average ten cigarettes smoked a day, that’s money that could be used towards other costs such as utilities for housing or food.

As the video demonstrates, representing a month’s worth of smoking and vaping, scientists Dr Lion Shahab and Dr Rosemary Leonard compare the smoke of a cigarette versus the vapour produced from an e cigarette while using cotton wool buds to represent what might happen inside our bodies. We all know that smoking is bad and as we are sure you will, of course, concur, the evidence from the experiment is frightful, to say the least.

Expectedly, the chamber of cotton buds subjected to the tobacco smoke contains a lot of sticky black tar.

In comparison, the chamber of cotton wool buds covered with vapour from the e-cigs appeared free from any such stain. An area in the middle of cotton wool buds being damp at best as the only kind resulting consequence.

As well as the dangers of cancer, the video highlights the damage to your lungs and other body parts. Smoking tobacco additionally reduces fertility and significantly raises the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, eye disease and dementia.

Vaping is 95% Less Harmful than Smoking

While not completely risk-free, the video published by PHE is both a sobering and a startling visual representation. It backs up their declaration in 2015 that e cigarettes are up to 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco.

Conducting the experiment, smoking cessation academic Dr Lion Shahab commented:

“Research we and others have conducted shows that vaping is much less harmful than smoking and that using e cigarettes on a long-term basis is relatively safe, similar to using licensed nicotine products, like nicotine patches or gum. Using e cigarettes or nicotine replacement such as patches or gum will boost your chances of quitting successfully.”

Annually since then Public Health England have published reports the positive studies carried out to back up e-cigarettes. This is a positive step to remove tobacco use from society in the UK. In 2020 PHE looked to quash any misleading representations and negativities surrounding vaping, mainly stemming from the USA. They did this step by step, tackling several bias studies and reports via media outlets. Their latest report demonstrates the vaping industry still has much work ahead to help the UK government’s target to stop smoking by 2030.

More Education On E-Cigarettes Needed 

Despite an estimated 2.5 million vapers in England having successfully quit smoking with the help of e cigarettes, it is clear that more education and information is needed. Otherwise, the 44% of smokers will not understand that vaping is a much less harmful alternative to toxic smoking cigarettes.

Director of Health Improvement at PHE, Professor John Newton said:

“It would be tragic if thousands of smokers who could quit with the help of an e cigarette are being put off due to false fears about safety. We need to reassure smokers that switching to an e cigarette would be much less harmful than smoking.”

Myths and false rumours surrounding e-cigs are tough to stop. Various advertising limitations imposed on the e cigarette industry mean that it can be difficult to convey the positive impact of e-cigarettes. This in turn can make it difficult to convince the naysayers otherwise that vaping is a far less harmful habit.

Know someone that smokes? Forward them this blog and show the video. Give them the low down on all things e cigs and e-liquids – they’ll thank you later when they’re a vaper.

Save Money & Switch to E-cigarettes this New year

‘Tis  the season to inadvertently relinquish your life savings to Father Christmas! From Christmas cards to Christmas crackers and festive food to fabulous presents, there’s no escaping how expensive the seasonal splurge can be. Smoker? The chances are, what with countless Christmas gatherings and office parties to attend to, the opportunity to smoke more than your fair share of tobacco is one you casually and causally meet with open arms. A Christmas list as long as your arm and umpteen packets of cigarettes later and the balance of one’s bank account may be a little on the bleak side. Ready to start saving money? Ditch the cigarettes and switch to vaping and you could well be on your way to saving yourself a pretty penny in the foreseeable future.

How much do E-cigarettes Cost?

Where a typical pack of 20 cigarettes might cost somewhere in the region of £10 – £12, Vapour2 starter kits cost £19.99 and come with 4 different flavoured e-liquid cartridges. Each individual cartridge provides you with the equivalent of a pack of 20 cigarettes, which means that at the very least you may be saving £20 straight away.

Once you’ve found your vaping feet so to speak and have identified the best flavour and nicotine strength to suit your needs, you may want to invest in some refillable cartridges and multipacks of your favourite flavoured e-liquids.

Refillable cartridges (£4.99 – £8.31 per cartridge) are suitable for between 45 – 60 refills and a single bottle of 10ml premium quality e-liquid (£5.99) will contain enough to refill your cartridge 10 times or more. This is a great way to further keep costs down and to keep that piggy bank plump.

Buying your kit and e liquid isn’t necessarily the same as buying your standard pack of cigarettes and there exists a world of vaping paraphernalia that if you’re not careful could lead you down a fairly costly route. We would always recommend to purchase a starter kit to introduce yourselves to vaping. This way you can find a flavour that works for you and evolve and upgrade your vaping equipment along the way as you see fit.

How Much Money will I Save by Switching to E-cigarettes?

Depending on your habits your choice of devices and accessories, the amount of money you will save by switching to vaping will of course differ. If you smoke 20 a day, you could be spending anything from £310 to £375 a month on cigarettes. However, vaping the equivalent number may cost you just under £40 for the month (£19.99 Vapour2 Vape Pen including one refillable tank+ £19.99 for 3 x 10ml e-liquid). That’s a whopping saving of over £250 in just one month!

Healthier Bank Balance, Healthier You

As well as saving yourself a small fortune by switching to vaping, you may potentially be saving your own life too! In 2017, smoking-related deaths accounted for 16% of all adult fatalities in the UK. In 2015 Public Health England published an independent report stating that e-cigarettes are up to 95% less harmful than smoking tobacco and that they have the potential to help smokers become smoke-free.

Best UK CBD Vape Oil => Vsavi CBD vape oil

CBD vape oil is gaining popularity because of a lot of recent publicity in the UK. The recent article that appeared in the “Independent” reported that the UK Government’s MHRA’s assessment on Cannabidiol (CBD) could “provide ground-breaking results” in leading to reform over cannabis’ medicinal use in the UK. The CBD assessment from the MHRA states that this product has a “restoring, correcting or modifying” effect on “physiological” functions. Furthermore, clinical trials have shown the safety and efficacy of the product which has helped people with several different illnesses, even cancer.

CBD Oil Studies

Several reports published by the NCBI have given us further evidence of the positive effects of CBD, the National Centre for Biotechnology Information stated; “CBD acts in some experimental models as an anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, anti-oxidant, anti-emetic, anxiolytic and antipsychotic agent, and is therefore a potential medicine for the treatment of neuro-inflammation, epilepsy, oxidative injury, vomiting and nausea, anxiety and schizophrenia, respectively.

We have researched various CBD Oil products in the UK and have selected one of the best one’s so far, in the near future we’ll report on others in other blog posts. The way this has been decided is by ensuring that the CBD vape oil is organic, pure and free from artificial flavourings and prepared in proper UK and EU Laboratories. There are a number of variants including full spectrum CBD oil which preserves all the significant chemical content from the original plant including terpenes and the fatty acids.

#1 CBD vape oil

VSAVI CBD vape oil is our number 1 choice of CBD vape e liquid. The vast majority of other CBD oils and e-liquids contain flavourings and we suggest steering clear of these. So, if you’ve decided to buy CBD vape oil, stick with a plain one. The VSAVI Pure Cannabidiol range does not contain any artificial ingredients or flavourings. Vsavi is a registered member of the CTA. (Cannabis Trades Association)

  • 100% Vegetarian
  • Only Pharmaceutical Grade Ethanol
  • Gluten Free
  • Pure CBD product – no added flavour
  • Only the highest quality and safest European ingredients are used
  • Completely GMO free
  • Have not been tested on animals
  • Prepared in a “clean room” laboratory
  • Eco friendly production
  • Integrated supervision by chemical engineers to ensure consistency and safety
  • Entire production is done within Europe

Vsavi also offer a wide range of the best CBD vape pens. The range includes an essential CBD kit and extends to advanced vaporizer section so it will not be difficult to find a vape pen that suits you. All their CBD devices are TPD compliant, check out the Vsavi Discount code section and save money.

Why are people using CBD Oil?

There are many reasons why CBD is becoming popular but here are some that you may not have heard about.

  1. Recently a CBD Oil study in the UK found that it was effective in reducing the desire to smoke cigarettes
  2. Cannabidiol was found to be effective as a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of acne. It inhibits lipid synthesis.
  3. It may curtails the development of diabetes.
  4. Shows promising results in the treatment for fibromyalgia
  5. It has shown promise in halting prions which is the protein that causes neurodegenerative diseases like Creutzfeltd-Jakob and mad cow.
  6. CBD is known to produce anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects when ingested. It slows everything down and calms the user.  It is therefore helpful in the treatment and management of PTSD and both chronic and acute anxiety.
  7. There is some early documented evidence that it is an effective treatment for Crohn’s disease.
  8. There is evidence to suggest that CBD has the potential to reduce various aspects of Multiple Sclerosis.
  9. One of the very few side effects of CBD is tiredness, so it has proved effective in dealing with insomnia.
  10. CBD has known antiemetic properties and has therefore proved to be effective in alleviating vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy and some other therapies.
  11. There is therapeutic potential for the treatment of seizures as it has anticonvulsant properties.

Will CBD get you addicted or high?

CBD is one of many compounds found in the resin of the Cannabis plant. When the Oil is extracted in the lab, the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant is removed. This means that consuming or vaping CBD Oil cannot get the user ‘high’ like Marijuana would. Despite all these benefits, there have been some concerns around the safety of Cannabidiol because of misunderstandings about THC.

Does CBD Oil contain THC?

THC is a different compound contained in the cannabis plant which has psychotropic properties, and which is known to cause elation, sedation, relaxation and even hallucinations. It is due to this link between the two substances that causes doubt over whether CBD oil can cause a high. When people use marijuana for recreational purposes they choose strains of the plant that are high in THC, however CBD oil is produced from a different strain of the hemp plant (sativa) which is higher in CBD, so users can be assured that the process involved in extracting the CBD oil results in a product that only has minuscule levels of THC that can have no real or harmful effect on the body.

CBD oil is not addictive and will not get you high. Although cannabis is known to be an illegal substance in the UK, CBD oil has none of the psychoactive components that characterise marijuana. While Cannabidiol has a therapeutic effect, it does not cause any unwanted psychoactive effects and actually has an anti-psychotic effect meaning that it can be used in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia. The variety grown for medical and recreational purposes, marijuana, has a lower level of CBD and a higher level of THC, while other strains have a higher CBD content and under 0.2% THC. Certain dispensaries in the United States, Canada, Spain and in other countries where it is legalised, now grow strains for specific conditions and symptoms.

Is CBD oil illegal in the UK 

An article at Sky News indicates that products containing CBD are to be classed as medicines from 2017. It’s also been reported that there has not been a single study which shows that CBD Oil gives the user any adverse effects. So now you know you wouldn’t get ‘high’ or be breaking the law by using this product. If you already have a vape and you’re looking for the oil itself, VSAVI CBD Oil is one of the best on the market. VSAVI offers CBD strengths from 50 mg to a maximum strength 1000 mg CBD. You can choose to start with the lowest concentration CBD e liquid which costs £6.00 for 50 mg CBD  and ascend to higher concentrations if you need to, it seems like great value for money. Vsavi also offer CBD oil tongue drops in 300 mg – 1500 mg strength, an oral version of their product for those who do not wish to vape CBD.

How Is CBD Oil Made?

When making the oil, it is important to use the right strain of cannabis plant as there is a difference between those that are rich in THC and those that have a higher Cannabidiol content. CBD is derived from cannabis plant flowers or hemp where it is concentrated in its resin glands. When extracted from the flower, CBD oil is produced by combining the plant with other compounds such as olive oil, ethanol or butane and extracted using carbon dioxide methods of extraction.

Vaping CBD Oil

Vaping is one of the safest and most effective ways to ingest the oil, as it facilitates the absorption into the body. You can simply fill up a new vape cartridge with CBD vape oil and begin vaping as usual. The only difference would be that there will be less vapour than the usual e-liquid flavours. VSAVI offer a full range of simple and effective TPD compliant CBD Vape kits to suit every need.

VSAVI does not sell flavoured CBD Oil like many other companies, preferring to offer a clean pure organic brand of CBD. Most users will be health conscious and should be weary of CBD oil that contains artificial flavours or additives, there is little regulation in this area. If you want a specific flavour you can add a couple of drops of Vsavi 100% VG e-liquid which is regulated and therefore considered safe to use. The CBD vapour taste in its natural form, has a slight hint of “oak” taste. You should avoid adding too much flavoured e-liquid as this can cause crystallisation to occur – simply warming the solution up slightly will dissolve any crystal formation.

The product itself is completely organic, GMO-free and 100% vegetarian, which is great for ethical issues. It’s been reported to alleviate disorders such as anxiety, nausea, depression and even seizures. It helps with symptoms by regulating our body’s homeostasis, which can impact our mood, sleep patterns, appetite and even relief pain. You can buy CBD oil in the UK online and in vape shops.

Does Vaping Cannabidiol Work?

There is substantial evidence, both anecdotal and scientific that vaping CBD oil or using CBD tongue drops certainly helps people who are suffering from a wide range of conditions. One of the main benefits of vaping CBD oil is the ease of use, it means that you can completely control the amount of Cannabidiol that you’re ingesting and increase or decrease the amount of CBD based on how you feel.

Please note this information should not be construed in any way to mean that anyone is making a claim that CDB cures any of these conditions. Neither does this CBD Oil review article intend to infer or suggest that the ingestion of or inhalation of CBD is guaranteed to alleviate or eradicate any of the conditions or symptoms associated with any of the named conditions. This information is included here merely to inform the would-be user of the scope of medical trials and research being conducted on the marijuana plant.