Derriford Hospital in Devon, a large portion of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, announced this week that whilst smoking is banned entirely on-site, vaping is welcomed with open arms.
The fact that vaping is 95% safer than smoking has been thrown around at every opportunity since that statement was released back in 2017 – and for good reason. So it comes as no surprise to realise that it’s no longer health professionals stressing this finding, they’re putting it into practice too.
Vaping Allowed in Hospital
The hospital took a big leap by allowing its premises to become “vape-friendly” and permit vaping everywhere (within reason), but requests users don’t vape by the entrances and bus stops where many people would congregate.
Its plan is to make the hospital tobacco-free, instead of smoke-free, targeting the real reason why a person’s health can rapidly decline.
Along with granting both staff, patients and visitors the go-ahead to vape on-site, they are also considering issuing out disposable e-cigarettes to help the public cut down and quit smoking.
How to Give Up Smoking
If, like Derriford Hospital, you believe it’s time to stop smoking and consider transitioning from smoking, we fully support you. A fantastic beginner kit to get you started on the road to regaining your health is Vapour2 UK’s Starter Pack – which contains an e-cigarette battery, cartridge, USB charger and choice of e-liquid.
Start with a high strength nicotine to begin with, and experiment with flavours to step away from tobacco and look for something that suits your palate. Over time, you’ll find you do not need as much a nicotine hit and you can lower the strength of your e-liquid whilst still enjoying the flavoursome tastes available.
For more information on how to stop smoking, please feel free to contact us.