CBD Vape Oil. What is It?

What is CBD vape oil?

CBD vape oil, also known as cannabidiol oil, is a controversial oil used for health purposes. CBD is the name given to a particular compound found in the cannabis plant. It belongs to a group of over 113 compounds found in the plant called cannabinoids. In its oil form it can be absorbed by vaping.

The most well-known cannabinoid is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is known to produce mind-altering effects in users and it is the chemical that is responsible for giving recreational cannabis its effects. But researchers have discovered that another compound present in recreational cannabis, CBD (cannabidiol), does not contain mind-altering effects that affect the body. CBD is not psychoactive, meaning it does not change the way the brain functions or perceives things. Instead, CBD produces other significant effects in the body, and scientists are researching the medical benefits that it has.

Farmers have selectively bred recreational cannabis to be high in THC, which is the compound that makes users feel “high”. However, as research on CBD has progressed, more time and effort is being put into utilising the positive effects of CBD. This is why CBD is now being isolated and turned into oil form to be used in a variety of ways including vaping. When vaping with CBD vape oil ensure it is from a reputable specialist supplier such as Vsavi, use only pharmaceutical grade CBD oil containing no additives or flavourings.

How Does CBD Work?

Much like other cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, CBD attaches to different receptors in the body to produce a positive health benefit. By removing THC, the compound that gives cannabis its recreational qualities, you are essentially left with a compound that has many potentially positive effects. Because of the way CBD acts, it can be taken in a variety of different ways. CBD oil can be applied to the skin, inhaled through vaping or even taken orally.

CBD Oil Extraction Methods

There three main methods of commercially extracting CBD oil from the cannabis plant, Ethanol, Olive oil and CO2 extraction. Of the three methods CO2 extraction is the most expensive method requiring laboratory conditions but it also produces a pure product free from chlorophyll and an overall safer and perhaps more powerful CBD oil. The CO2 method is an important commercial extraction method because of its zero environmental impact and its extremely low toxicity. Mr P. Hunt, of Vsavi.co.uk who specialise in the marketing of CBD oil in both sublingual (CBD tongue drops) and CBD vape oil form explains: “CO2 extraction is used in a number of commercial applications that require high pressure CO2 which creates an extremely low temperature. Most of us have seen or heard of “dry ice”. CBD oil can be isolated and non-toxic pharmaceutical grade pure CBD oil can be extracted under stable conditions which yields clean CBD oil with little or no denaturing.”

Health Benefits of CBD

Because CBD does not contain the mind-altering compound found in regular strains of cannabis, it can be effectively used as a form of medicine. Although it is considered a safe substance, there are a few side effects that are mostly minor. You might experience an unpleasant dry sensation in the mouth, but this can be prevented by drinking more water. A high dosage can cause light-headedness and drowsiness, but these effects can be mitigated with some rest.

Can CBD Vape Oil Help you to Quit Smoking?

There is promising evidence which shows that CBD oil can help a patient reduce their smoking addiction. A study of CBD by The National Institutes of Health found that smokers who inhaled CBD smoked 40% fewer cigarettes. The compound managed to curb cravings for more nicotine, which is the addictive chemical found in tobacco. More research is needed, but currently CBD oil is showing promise as anti-addiction medication that can help patients avoid or lower withdrawal symptoms. CBD vaping may well be shown conclusively to aid in quitting smoking.

Epilepsy and Neuropsychiatric Disorders

CBD is being studied as a possible treatment for epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric disorders. It has been noted that CBD can be useful for controlling seizures, and studies suggest that it could be used to treat a number of neurodegenerative disorders that are linked to epilepsy. Another study has shown that CBD could have similar effects to antipsychotic drugs, meaning it could be used to treat patients that suffer from schizophrenia. New research has put CBD in a positive light as a potential alternative to antipsychotic medication when used in small doses that do not hinder a patient’s motor function.

CBD and Natural Pain Relief

Studies have shown that CBD can be a natural way to reduce swelling and pain. It can also help with inflammation and overall discomfort that is related to health conditions. CBD shows a great deal of promise when it comes to alternative treatments for chronic pain conditions. However, more trials are required before scientists can come to a solid conclusion on the effects CBD has on pain. Research has shown that the anti-inflammation properties of CBD could drastically change how we deal with arthritis pain in the future.

Cancer Fighting

CBD oil is also used by cancer sufferers. Studies have shown CBD oil to reduce the number of cancerous tumours in mice test subjects, but early research is also being carried out on humans. Currently, CBD is used to manage pain that is related to cancer.

Side Effects of CBD Oil

Studies show that using CBD oil does not pose any serious risk to users. There is a small possibility of experiencing sleep issues, feeling nauseated and becoming more irritable, but there are no major drawbacks that could harm the user’s long-term health when used over a long period of time. Unlike recreational cannabis, CBD oil is not addictive because it is extremely low in THC, meaning withdrawal symptoms are unlikely. On balance it would appear the potential benefits far outweigh the possible side effects.

Scientists are quickly discovering more beneficial uses for CBD oil and it is growing in popularity as an alternative treatment for a number of different conditions. Whether it is taken orally, inhaled with a CBD vaporizer or applied to the skin, there is no doubt that CBD oil possesses many positive health benefits.

Smoking Cessation Time Line

I was surfing the web recently and came across the image below from the BeTobaccoFree.Gov website that shows how much time it takes to get healthier if you give up smoking and the improvement in your health over the following years.

What I found interesting was the immediate and mid-term improvements.  For example :-

20 Minutes

Your heart rate and blood pressure start to return to normal. You will feel more sensations in your hands and your legs. Your body will slowly start to clean itself from the nicotine, which can make you crave for another cigarette, but try and be persistent.

12 Hours

You inhale carbon monoxide when tobacco is burning and that bonds with your blood cells.  This in turn prevents oxygen bonding to your blood cells and can cause dangerous cardiovascular diseases.

You can cut that level of carbon monoxide in your blood back to normal by not smoking for 12 hours. Your oxygen levels will start to return to normal.

3 Months

Your respiratory system will start to get back to normal and you will start breathing more easily again. After three months of not smoking taking larger, deeper breaths becomes easier.

Microscopic hairs, called cilia, are found along your air passages and move in a sweeping motion to keep the air passages clean. But if harmful substances, such as cigarette smoke, are inhaled, the cilia stop functioning properly, causing health problems like bronchitis.  These cilia will repair and start to function normally again.

Within 9 Months

Your cough will start to drastically reduce, although when and by how much depends on how long you’ve been smoking as the lungs slowly continue to clean themselves and get rid of toxins.  As a result, you can be more physically active and you can start to do some cardio exercises without getting short of breath.

1 Year

Your risk of coronary heart disease is cut by a massive 50% !

As you can see from the infographic, some of the benefits of stopping smoking can be felt very quickly while other can take much longer – so the sooner you give up smoking the sooner you will be on the road to a healthier life.  What’s stopping you making the initial step on that path?

The Effects of Smoking

Smoking has many serious effects for your health and is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the world. In the UK, over 80,000 people die from smoking-related problems every year. If you smoke or are thinking of smoking, you should take the time to consider what smoking does to your body.

In addition to the addictive nicotine, cigarettes contain over 7,000 chemicals. So far, around 70 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer. Lung cancer is the most common kind of cancer to develop from smoking, but smoking can also lead to cancer in the mouth, throat, nose, stomach, colon, and many other parts of the body.

Respiratory System
In addition to lung cancer, smoking can cause many other problems for your respiratory system. In a very short time, smoking can lead to frequent coughing, colds, wheezing, and asthma. It can also lead to more serious conditions such as emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic bronchitis. In addition, smoking greatly increases your risk for potentially fatal diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Heart and Circulation
The toxins entering your body from smoking damage both your heart and your blood cells. Smoking will make your blood thicker, increasing the risk of clots. It also increases your heart rate, raises your blood pressure, and shrinks your arteries. These effects greatly increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In fact, smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack as non-smokers.

Smoking has been shown to lead to decreased bone density over time. This is a significant factor in leading to bone loss, in addition to weaker bones that are more likely to fracture and break. Women who smoke are at a much higher risk of getting osteoporosis.

For men, smoking can lead to a lower sperm count. It can also cause damage to the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis, leading to impotence. In women, smoking has been shown to cause irregular menstrual cycles and lower fertility. On average, couples in which at least one partner smokes take significantly longer to conceive a child than couples who do not smoke.

These are only some of the harmful effects of smoking. Other side effects include gum disease, premature aging, wrinkles, increased risk of ulcers, weakened immune system, higher risk of diabetes, and cataracts.

How to Quit Smoking

Advice to help you break the smoking habit and stay on track

You already know that smoking has many negative effects on your health. Quitting, however, can be extremely difficult. Whether you’ve started smoking recently or have been smoking for decades, cigarettes have likely become both a physical addition and a psychological, social habit.

This makes quitting difficult on multiple levels. With good planning and perseverance, however, quitting is possible. The right quitting plan is different for everyone, and your doctor is the best person to advise you on the best individualized treatment. These tips are meant as a general guide to help you quit successfully.

Step 1: Make a Plan

Planning ahead can help to make your efforts to quit more effective. First, pick date as your “quit date.” Ideally, choose something 1-3 weeks in the future: enough to give you time to prepare without losing your motivation. In the intervening time, try to taper down your cigarette use.

This will make the symptoms of withdrawal easier to deal with. You should also use this time to assess the nature of your addiction. Think about what factors are linked to your smoking: is it stress related? Do you smoke in certain places or around certain people? Do you smoke after meals? This awareness will help you avoid temptations when possible and steel yourself to deal with them when they occur.

Step 2: Find a Support System

Having a support system can be very helpful when going through the process of quitting. Tell your family and close friends that you’ll be quitting. They will probably be happy for you and more than willing to be supportive throughout the process. Informing others that you’re quitting will also help to hold you accountable.

If you have other friends who smoke, ask if any of them are interested in quitting together. Quitting with a partner can be a great way to have mutual support. The two of you can even find an alternate activity, such as going for walks, to do together at a time when you would usually be smoking.

Step 3: Improve Your Environment

Removing the temptation to smoke from your nearby environment can go a long way to prevent you from reaching for a cigarette when you feel a craving.

Clean out cigarettes and ashtrays from your home, car, and office. Try giving the carpets, upholstery, and drapes a thorough cleaning as well. Getting rid of the smell of smoke can help you to feel like you’re making a fresh start.

Step 4: Cope with Cravings and Withdrawal

One of the most difficult things about quitting is dealing with cravings and nicotine withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms usually peak a couple of days after you stop smoking.

They differ for everyone, but they will decrease over time. In addition to cravings, withdrawal can cause fatigue, irritability, hunger, and coughing. Make sure to stay hydrated, avoid caffeine in the evening, and stock up on healthy snacks.

Plan out a list of alternate activities for when cravings or stress strike. Walks outside, yoga, working out at the gym, baths, and reading can all help to take your mind off of cravings and relax your body. You may also want to use some form of medication, such as a nicotine patch or nicotine gum. Your doctor can advise you on the best medicine for you and prescribe you something to help you deal with withdrawal while you quit.

Step 5: Get help from the NHS

The NHS offers help and advice through 7 different smoking cessation services – read more about these services here

Benefits of E-Cigarettes

Electronic Cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) are becoming increasingly popular. If you’re a smoker, you may be considering switching to them from traditional cigarettes. In fact, e-cigarettes come with a number of benefits that you may want to know about.

What are e-cigarettes?
E-cigarettes look very similar to real cigarettes, made up of a cylindrical tube with a glowing end. But instead of producing smoke, they produce vapour that looks and feels like smoke without all of its detrimental effects. E-cigarettes contain a battery and a heating element that heats up liquid nicotine and any flavourings. The user inhales and exhales vapour produced from the liquid nicotine. e cigarettes come in different sizes and formats including vape pens, shisha pens and vape and box mods.

E-cigarettes are a healthier alternative to normal cigarettes
E-cigarettes are still a new technology, so no long term studies can confirm whether they are better for smokers than traditional cigarettes. What we can say for certain is that they use vapour instead of smoke, which avoids many negative effects.

In particular, the vapour from e-cigarettes is not harmful to bystanders in the way that second-hand smoke is. We believe that e-cigarettes will also reduce the risk for a host of other health problems that come from smoking. The lack of smoke also means that e-cigarettes do not have the unpleasant and clinging smell associated with cigarettes

E-cigarettes make it easier to quit
If you’re looking to quit smoking altogether but have found it difficult to do so, e-cigarettes can be a great halfway step. E-cigarettes can help to stabilize levels of nicotine in the blood and over time reduce the desire to smoke.

E-cigarettes can save you money
Any smoker knows that the cost of buying cigarettes is high. E-cigarettes are not subject to the same taxation as traditional cigarettes, making them much cheaper for consumers.

The cost of buying a starter kit may be comparatively expensive, but over time maintaining e-cigarettes is very cheap, about half the cost of buying packs of cigarettes.

E-cigarettes are allowed in most establishments
E-cigarettes are not regulated by the government the same way that traditional cigarettes are. This means that unlike cigarettes, e-cigarettes are allowed within most restaurants and other buildings. They do not produce smoke or odour, so they will not bother the people around you. Using e-cigarettes means that you can smoke without the inconvenience of leaving the building or separating yourself from your friends and family.